
Gorgeous print used by Camilla

Tuesday 2 August 2022: Camilla has kept her promise and is back to tell use about the sewing community in Sweden.

How the sewing community has evolved

Please excuse us as Camilla describes her love for wombats, an Australian native animal. She’s very passionate about sewing and wombats.

You’ll see how social media and the internet has influenced the current trends in the local sewing community of Sweden.

Camilla puts love into her sewing.

Thursday 12 May 2022: Camilla is back to discuss the influences on her sewing and how she wants to inspire people to sew.

Camilla shares the people and things that influences her sewing life.
Camilla and rules are not friends

Rules inhibit her design ideas and she encourages new sewists to just try sewing. It’s only fabric.


You’ll understand why this wombat is pictured here for Camilla’s second podcast, once you hear her chat.

Camilla in Sweden

Tuesday 29 March 2022: Camilla frkc.lindberg on Instagram sews for men and is a SewOver50 follower on Instagram

Camilla sews for the men in her life

From her youth, Camilla has sewn and she became a career tailor. You’ll hear how sewing for her family is an expression of her love for them. They show their love for Camilla by requesting she make them clothes. You will enjoy hearing about her first project recycling her mother’s newly bought jeans, when Camilla was a teenager.

Camilla lives in Sweden and she has many local shops where she can source fabric and patterns from local designers. One of her favourite designers is Ann Ringstrad.

Camilla treasures the work Judith and Sandy do to recognise older sewists on Instagram. As Camilla says, SewOver50 makes older sewists visible.

You’ll hear more from Camilla in the coming months as we explore the sewing available in Sweden.

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