Denise Archer podcasts

Denise Archer

Sunday 31 October 2021: This is a replay where Denise talks to us about her breast cancer experience. It never ends so it’s worthwhile replaying this podcast for cancer awareness month.

Replaying Denise’s experience with breast cancer.

Thursday 25 March 2021: Denise Archer talks about her breast cancer experience and how her sewing choices have changed.

Denise Archer shares her breast cancer experience

Denise shares the details of her breast cancer treatments and post surgeries.

This podcast is not medical advice. If you want information about breast cancer treatments or post surgery choices contact your oncologist or go to the breast cancer organisations in your country.

Sewcialists podcast with Denise Archer Tuesday 2 February 2021: ‘Get outside of your head and into your hands’ is Denise’s motto. Crafting through stressful times.

Sewcialists podcast 2021 – Denise Archer talks about stash busting
Advice from Denise Archer

Here’s a link to the recycled orchestra Denise talked about.

The People’s Sewing Army is a collective of sewists who feel compelled to repurpose their scrap fabrics and donate it to individuals and organisations in need. So it’s by the people for the people. Their mission is very simple: ‘We use our sewing scraps for good causes.’

The main value they have is ‘we love our planet and the people on it’.

They use their sewing scraps for people. The first step is to join. The second step is to act. The second step is one that you can partake in if you have the scrap fabric to do so.

Jumping monkeys

Their projects take a lot of planning and time so they’re not able to participate in emergencies.

Here are some compelling facts about the People’s Sewing Army. The number of items and weight of what volunteers is shared with Denise.

So far 548 items have been created by the People’s Sewing Army that have inspired and loved another person. This is 548 acts of caring through using scrap fabrics.

One of Denise’s latest pieces

28 kilos or 61 pounds of fabrics scraps have been used and not added to landfill.

How would you measure the real effect of these acts of love?

Denise Archer can be found at @pin.prrrick or at @thepeoplessewingarmy or editing the @thefriedeagle

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